Socialism, Capitalism and Your Survival

By David R. Young, author of The Political Spectrum: Freedom vs. Enslavement  
“Gentlemen, … You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.”  – Andrew Jackson

The argument about capitalism and socialism is a deception. It’s the Free Market that is under attack. 

Capitalism is the investment of wealth to increase production and profits of an industry, in order to obtain a return on that investment. The capitalist does not actually work to earn his profit. 

If you think the mechanisms of socialism are any different, you might take another look. The only difference between these two systems is who is investing and obtaining a portion of the profit produced by the Free Market System. 

In a free society, any individual may gain the benefits of self-determined participation and production. But in socialism the individual is a fixed cog in a slavish machine; and only the slave master benefits. 

In a society based on individual freedoms, the basic economic system is known as the Free Market System. Such a society can generate an abundance of wealth for those who participate and results in creativity through incentive, research and discovery.

Such groups as Ford Motor Company, Apple and Google are stellar examples of the free market at work. The success of these companies is, in no small part, due to the private investor, or contributing capitalist.

But, socialism looks much different from capitalism. How can they be the same system? (more…)

When Government Lies – A Challenge To The Press

By David R. Young as published on  


“We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks with interest.” – President Obama

“…the stronger our gun control laws are, the fewer acts of violence….” – Joseph Lieberman

“The last thing the Department of Homeland Security is about is infringing on anybody’s constitutionally protected rights.” – Janet Napolitano

Doing what is “right” is relative. What is good for the butcher is bad for the livestock. In a free society, the wrongness or rightness of political action is relative to one essential element; Freedom. Not “freedom from”, “freedom for” or “freedom to”; but just freedom: The ability to act without restriction. The challenge for government is not to create sweeping laws which restrict criminal actions en masse, that’s lazy, dull and all too common.  The real challenge is to enact precise laws which restrict antisocial actions that inhibit human rights. Laws are created for the criminal, but only law-abiding people follow them. Therefore, laws mainly have the effect of restricting freedoms of law-abiding and rational thinking men, such as sitting at a red light at night for three minutes with no cross traffic in sight. That is a lazy and stupid law.

criminal is easily defined: it is basically a person who takes something and gives nothing in return; be it a watch, a car or a life.  The criminal seeks to obtain without giving back something of comparable value. Communism attempted to solve this problem by eliminating private property; for where is the crime if someone takes from you an item you don’t own? And yet, a communist government forcibly takes all property without any equitable compensation. Thus, the basic precept of communism is based on criminal reasoning. (more…)

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