Why Audit the Federal Reserve?

Returning Sovereignty to “We the People”.

(First in a Series of “How We Give our Freedoms Away” )

By David R. Young, author of THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM: Freedom vs. Enslavement

A devastating example of giving away our freedoms is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. A grave error which can start being corrected this month in the U.S. Senate.

The Constitution, in Article I, Section 8 states: “The Congress shall have the Power To… coin Money, (and) regulate the Value thereof….” Congress and a President, in 1913, handed this power to the “Federal Reserve”, a fictitious name for a privately held “Central” Bank. It is neither a part of our government nor a reserve. Why the deception? Why not call it a Central Bank like other countries now do?

The perils of a Central Bank were not unknown in 1913 and perhaps the following words from Thomas Jefferson still rang in the halls of government and in the minds of Americans:  The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks (more…)

QE3 (Quantitative Easing, Round Three)

A “Fix” Not a Solution

By David R. Young, author of THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM: Freedom vs. Enslavement

Like a pimp dispensing drugs to his strung-out prostitute-slaves, the central bank of America, AKA the Federal Reserve, is main-lining the drug of choice to our capitalist system through QE3.

Like the addicted whore who sells herself on the street for a fix, our government takes no action to object, but looks with haunted eyes and expectation as the printing presses roll and the valueless Federal Reserve Note pumps into the veins of our economy. Ahhh. The easing of pain and worry begins to enter through the mainstream media; a feeling of relief and peace of mind begins to settle on the populace; a state of ecstasy begins for some as “money” begins to fill their bank accounts. Give us more… give us more….

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