The Political Left & Right: Surviving The Political Confusion

The terms conservatism and liberalism are thrown around by the media as insults while political pundits use them to differentiate the political Left from the Right. But do these terms actually have anything to do with the Political Left and Right which makes up the Political Spectrum?

The truth is, no matter what political system is in use, be it Democracy or Communism, conservative and liberal members exist, at odds with each other.  These terms simply designate the attitudes toward issues of the day within the existing political structure. Incorrect use of these terms is an example of how confused the subject of politics has become.

So what really are the Political Left and Right? What definition would simplify the entire field of politics and bring understanding where only confusion seems to exist?  The Political Spectrum can only really be defined as a comparison of all political philosophies against a specific unchanging point of reference. This point of reference is a very precise and definable concept and though visible for all to see, it seems to have been simply ignored by scholars.

You’ll recognize it immediately when you see it, but it has been obscured, hidden and lied about. It has been feared, defended, openly attacked and secretly plotted against. People have given their lives so that others could experience it. (more…)

American Blind Spots

What We Can’t See about Ourselves

By David R. Young, author of THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM: Freedom vs. Enslavement

Have you ever had the opportunity to talk with an immigrant from a communist or socialist country?  It’s like listening to a dinner guest pointing out the ketchup on your chin. You express your thanks as you wipe your chin, perhaps slightly embarrassed.  “Your zipper is down.” “Oh, thanks.” you say as you turn away from the crowd to pull it up. Though such helpful observations tend to carry some embarrassment, you’re still thankful because you can correct the problem.

Americans grow up in the freest country in the world. We have our families, our jobs our routines. We go to school and learn about our country and government. We have a sense that government is taking care of things and America will be around forever. Any possibility of a blind spot occurring in this scenario? (more…)

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