“The gift of “The Political Spectrum” was to educate me in areas I was sure I knew!
Turns out I wasn’t so smart after all. Young takes a step by step approach to educate us (well educated) readers about the ideologies whose names are so common their understanding is considered passe’.
The more I read the more I realized I had never really known much about some of the political labels I felt very comfortable using.
“Fascism” is a good example. To me, fascism was like pornography: hard to define but I knew it when I saw it. Now, I know what it is, where it came from and what its ideologies are.
I’ve also learned why it’s important to know how to recognize it and where it really resides along the political spectrum.
“The Political Spectrum is a must-read in today’s world, especially as we are witnesses to great changes within our own country. It’s an easy read and easy to use as a political reference. If I have any complaint it’s that I wish Young had gone further into the uniquely American aspects of our republic.
Oh… I am now completely clear on why we are a republic and not a pure democracy and… why that’s important.
” I’m looking forward to future editions to see how Mr. Young continues to develop his own thesis.”
J.G. Pinellas Park FL
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