The Role of the Press in a Free Society

Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press….

In a free society the press, you, have a unique and specific role in maintaining freedom. No matter what the generals say, in the long-term, the pen is mightier than the sword. Force may be needed to bring order to a society, but the free-flow of ideas is the hope and salvation of man’s soul.

All forms of communication carry a message. When governments become oppressive, the message of freedom becomes the most cherished and valued.

Within a free society the press is as varied as the interests of its audience. To support and spread the message of freedom, the press must remain independent.

Reporting the activities of political leaders not only helps shape public opinion, but holds in check those who become too enthusiastic with their power. Election results are a reflection of public opinion toward current or would-be political leaders, so your writings have a vital importance, and from the perspective of freedom you must demand integrity and truth amongst your profession.

Even good leaders can find it difficult to stand up to forces encountered in the political arena. Thus, it is your challenge and duty to ensure those who hold enough power to shape our culture, (more…)

“Classless” in America

 By David R. Young, author of The Political Spectrum: Freedom vs. Enslavement

The distinctions separating the social classes are false; in the (final) analysis they rest upon force” Albert Einstein

The elimination of social classes seems to be the most appealing and acceptable goal of communism. However, communism goes to the extreme of forcing an unnatural form of equality upon its members.

Communist philosophy is based on materialism, which denies the existence of God and anything spiritual. It espouses that all life derived from Matter. It follows that this philosophy would place the greatest importance on material things and thus we find communism attempting to bring about equality by controlling the material possessions of each person.  Ownership (private property) is forbidden and such necessities as housing and clothing are provided by government and are uniform from one person to the next, which obviously symbolizes and enforces this odd concept of “equality”.

The economic system used to enforce this equality is Socialism. It is an exchange system from the individual to government and from government back to the individual. Direct exchange between citizens (the Free Market) is illegal and becomes the Black Market.

The end result of communism is (more…)

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